Life Is a Journey of Remembrance


You might encounter the same situations, the same patterns, the same struggles over and over again. Trapped in your unique hamster wheel you feel scared, lonely, desolate, lost, exhausted and hopeless. In these moments it seems as if only darkness, pain, self-doubt, anxiety and shame exist.

However, you know there is light.
You know there is peace.
You know there is joy.
You know there is ease.
You know there is connection and love.
You only have forgotten how to reach out for it.

The moment you allow yourself to choose healing over avoidance
courage over fear
self-worthiness over self-sabotage
you start to walk the path of self-love, self-inquiry and personal growth.

Step by step. With shaky knees and an even more shaky heart, you slowly face your past. Startled and tempted at first, ready to escape again right away, you acknowledge there is trauma woven into your life story and the childhood you perceive(d) as normal.

You are in shock. You dissociate. You freeze. You run away or attack. You have developed your unique survival strategies. Consciously or unconsciously they are part of how you (inter)act and relate in life. They are (part of) your hamster wheel. They support you in feeling safe and protected. They offer you (a false) sense of comfort. They are the only roadmap you have known until today.

The moment you are ready to look at yourself with eyes full of acceptance and compassion, your journey of self-remembrance and self-absolution begins. Only NOW deep healing and real personal growth become possible.

The initial shifting – the first step to free yourself – happens very subtle, almost unnoticeable. You inevitably encounter many layers of armouring to break through. Thick walls of hidden pain, suppressed anger and frustration to conquer. Oceans of tears, despair and shame to cross over.

However, despite all the turmoil in you, the initiation happened. The flame of transformation starts burning and only has one mission: to reanimate and purify your heart. Never expect it to be an easy ride. It will challenge you. It will test your honesty, your endurance and your devotion. It will shutter you to the core.

The more you surrender and become aware of your (often) self-chosen prison, masques and controlling strategies, the more you invite LIFE back in – with every breath you take. There will be more joy, more intensity, more profoundness, more fulfilment, more presence, more authenticity, more flow and more readiness to love.

You will know what true freedom tastes like. You are home.
